Liron focuses on creating future value and specializes in brand and business invention, re-invention, transformation and problem solving.


Liron is passionate about helping companies transform successfully into the future, and about creating the future benchmarks of how brands act, behave, engage and connect. He does so by helping brands define their future value space and the actions and behaviors throughout the total brand experience that are needed to compete


Future Value Rules

Product = Marketing
Treat your product (and experience) as your best marketing. Treat ‘marketing’ as a product extension. Add value to your ‘users’, turning them into 
fans + brand volunteers that act as your best marketing channel.

Demand Data
Use technology and knowledge to treat people right and fire up demand.

Meaning-full Utility
Make, do and add value (not just say and tell) as a way to showcase purpose, values and construct a story people want to hear and re-tell.

New and Distinct Behaviors, rituals and narratives
Offer behaviors and experiences that people can’t help but adopt, repeat, share and mimic. 

Total Planning + Godly Details
Take a holistic view of the entire Brand and Customer Experience, leaving no stone unturned and make sure to over-invest in those devilish details.

Pain + Pleasure
A little goes a long way...making it just a bit ‘hard’ and out of reach at times while making sure to 
over-deliver at times.

Cult Potential and Cultural Currency
Inspire passionate user-generated communities by prioritizing community glue and building blocks creation.

Personal and Collective Mythology
Contribute to both personal needs and desires as well as mass needs and desires - knowing that we all have myths that need burnishing.

Fan-atic Consistency
Stick to the unique P.O.V. and value the brand provides its fans, not straying even as time passes and new innovation and behavior is introduced.